Solar Energy Information and News
Sunlight Requirements for PV Systems
A photovoltaic (PV) system needs unobstructed access to the sun's rays for most or all of the day to be effective. Shading on the system can significantly reduce energy output. Climate [...]
How Solar Works
We can change sunlight directly to electricity using solar cells. Every day, light hits your roof's solar panels with photons (particles of sunlight). The solar panel converts those photons into [...]
Queensland Government shows its solar flair
Queensland’s announcement to up its commitment to support 120 megawatts of new large-scale solar power will create jobs for the state and make it more attractive for renewable energy investment, [...]
Labor cites climate, solar and storage in budget reply, reopens door for ARENA funding
Opposition leader Bill Shorten has put climate change and renewable energy firmly on federal Labor’s economic agenda in his budget reply, while his party has re-opened the door to re-instating [...]