Install a large commercial solar system for FREE

Save up to 50% of your current electricity bill

The solar system will belong to you after contract expiration

You can discuss your feed in tariff options with your current retailer

What is a solar PPA?

In the solar industry, the Vendor installs a large commercial solar system at the purchaser’s property. Then after the installation is completed, the vendor carries on the required services such as: electricity power providing, system maintenance and system repairing, etc. The installed system can then be used as an independent power generator which will provide constant electricity power to the purchaser exclusively for their use. As the purchaser, all you need to do is to pay your electricity bill based on your actual usage. It is not uncommon for the Solar to save you at least 50-80% of your electricity expense…or even more


Power Generator/ Vendor

eSolar Energy

The duration of the agreement is between 7 to 10 years. After the purchaser has signed the contract. eSolar Energy will install a commercial solar system on the purchaser’s property. The Solar System’s market value will be roughly around $20,000, and in most cases, it could supply the majority of the power used by the purchaser.




Business Owners

All owners need to do is to pay the electricity bills based on their electricity usage, just like you pay your existing electricity retailers. The only difference is you will only need to pay approximately half of what you used to pay (per kw hour). Owners are able to sell any unconsumed solar power back to the grid, and get paid for the excess they don’t use.



Why enter into a PPA?

Reduces Business
Running Costs

Reducing running costs are one of the key components to running any successful business. PPAs let businesses buy energy from renewable projects, at rates that are much lower than standard market rates. The long-term and transparent design means that businesses can better manage energy usage and costs. PPAs are a great alternative to standard retail contracts that give you long-term price visibility and allow businesses to meet sustainable goals faster.

Electricity Bill Comparision

( Quarterly usage: 9000kw )

Environmental Footprint

For businesses looking to reduce their environmental footprint, PPAs are an effective way to meet sustainability goals and show support for Australia’s pipeline of renewable projects.

How does PPA work?

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